DIY Arhaus Hattie Cabinet Dupe

DIY Arhaus Hattie Cabinet Dupe

If you’ve known me long enough, you probably know that nothing is safe decor wise in my house for too long. Give it a year, or two, and I’m always wanting to change things out: rugs, bedding, lights, furniture, etc. Nothing is safe in my home and my husband’s learned not to get too attached to anything. One day it’s there, the next it’s gone.

So when I came across this gorgeous Hattie glass cabinet from Arhaus, I wanted it oh so bad for my dining room. Waited for it to go on sale- and it did multiple times- even down to the $3699 price at one point, but I just couldn’t ever pull the trigger to part with that amount, knowing that if I spent it, it’d likely be a permanent fixture in my home, and I wouldn’t be able to part with it.

A friend of mine purchased it for her lake home- and when she got it in, I was surprised to see how tall it was. Much taller than I had expected- and for my 8’ ceiling dining room, it just seemed a little too tall. (Her room had 10’ ceilings)

That’s when I came across this awesome dupe from Sams Club:

Put it in my cart, scheduled it for pick up… and then I just couldn’t find myself settling for the lighter wood tone for my home that is full of provincial and dark walnut stain finishes. I almost canceled my order, told my neighbor about it, and she decided to pick it up instead.

Seeing it in her home, gave me a little FOMO- it looked great, the light wood still didn’t sit well with the aesthetic of my home. Then a few months later I found myself walking through Sams Club only to come across it again. This time I snagged it, with the hopes that with painting it and changing out the hardware I’d be able to give it more of that Arhaus Hattie look. Boy was I so happy I took the chance.

Check out how she turned out:

I wanted the wood grain look, and so using a broom head, I was able to achieve this with a combination of chalk paint and furniture glaze.

Looking to attempt this for yourself? What items do you need:

  • A paint brush and foam brush

  • Beige furniture chalk paint ( I had some left over from another project, so I decided to use this and give it a whirl mine was called FRENCH LINEN, I’m sure any beige chalk paint will do)

  • Rustoleum Java Brown Cabinet Decorative Glaze

  • A small corn whisk broom head

  • Painters tape

  • Furniture Wax + brush ( I also luckily had furniture wax left over from my previous project with the beige furniture chalk paint) my preference is Annie Sloan, all linked below

The corn husk broom allowed me to sweep the glaze across these shelves to give it a faux wood-grain look

Step 1: (After removing shelves and prepping the inside with painters tape), Paint all the shelves and back of the cabinet interior with the beige chalk paint

Step 2: Allow ample time to dry and then apply a second coat of chalk paint

Step 3: Apply the furniture glaze on top of the shelf or back of the cabinet, and then with the corn husk broom head sweep it across, I got the hang of it by sweeping it entirely across in one direction. The glaze is super easy to work with, so if you stop mid sweep and mess us the grain look, you can go over it a second and third time.

Step 4: After giving this ample time to dry (which for me was about 24 hours), I applied a generous amount of furniture wax using a furniture wax brush. I allowed the wax 72 hours to dry (it can take up to a month for it to fully cure), before putting anything in the cabinet. Does it need furniture wax? Wax seals the project creating a barrier to protect it from liquid and spills. It also protects the finish from scratches (needed when you apply glaze over a chalk paint)

Step 5: Swap out your hardware. I linked the hardware and back plates I used to achieve this look:


And there you have it! Super simple- and since I was born with the “I’m gonna figure it out” gene- I took a chance and it came out just as I had hoped.

Now there’s also other affordable cabinets on the market in varying colors. The size of this Sams Club model was just perfect for my space, and the price point was more affordable for me than the Hattie which was a whopping $4k more.

Check out some other dupe cabinets on the internet, all linked below:

As always, thanks for stopping by, reading, commenting, and sharing!

If you have any questions, feel free to drop them below:

:) Barbra

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