The Decor Formula

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20 Modern Farmhouse Flushmount Lighting

Let me tell you a little story about my bedroom as a small child.

It was pink… everything was pink… the walls, the curtains, the carpet, the bedspread, and I mean everything. When my mom picked a theme in our late 80’s early 90’s childhood bedrooms, there was no question as to what that theme was… she went hardcore and didn’t look back.

I remember being sick as a little kid and my mom had me sleeping on the floor of my bedroom in a sleeping bag, so in case I got sick I wouldn’t throw up all over my bedding. (Side note: To be honest, I always thought this was a little mean until in recent years when we’ve had intoxicated friends sleep over our home and I’ve been up half the night worrying about their potential vomit on my pretty guest bedding. So I totally understand you now mom. ) Anyways… I remember staring up at the ceiling (which was actually the only part of the room that wasn’t pink), and that’s when I first noticed it….

The dreaded boob light:

This is the flush mount light I remember staring up at and examining for the first time as a young sick child in a sleeping bag on the floor of my childhood bedroom. Except the only difference was the color… and you guessed it… it was pink. I remember thinking in my little mind, “that looks like a boob”. And to be honest, with it being pink and all, it certainly looked like a boob. So maybe that’s when my hatred for these ugly ass lights began. Because over the years…

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I’ve seen them in pretty much every house I’ve ever entered and I CANNOT stop noticing them.

It’s just one of those things… once you see it, you can’t unsee it. And there’s all sorts of boob lights: Double D Twin Pack, Inverted Nipple, Egyptian or Venetian… you name it, they make it in every size, shape, and color.

I don’t understand why they’re even sold. I can’t figure out why practically every builder puts them in their homes. (Except most homes are built by men… so maybe we can all connect the dots there.) Joking aside, I’m assuming it’s most likely because they’re cheap. However, when I was googling some “boob lights” for the content of this post, I noticed some range in price from $50 to upwards of over $100.

That’s why I’ve made it my life mission to bring this ugly light to your attention so you can’t stop thinking about it either. I know they’re in your home. I know you know someone who has one in their home. Everytime you see one I want you to think about this post. I want you to think about what a travesty it is that so much money has been wasted on these ugly boob-looking lights, when for just a few dollars more a nicer light could have been chosen. I want you to bring it to the attention of whoever you can, so that all they can see is a light that looks like a boob to the point where they can’t even stand it anymore and they are forced to replace it. And we can all work together to rid this world of boob lights… one light at a time.

It’s worked with a lot of people in my life. It’s a running joke between me and a few of my friends.

So much so that my friend Missy sent me the ultimate “boob-light” picture via text a few months back:

Isn’t that just the ultimate kitchen lighting fail? You can’t unsee it.

So if you know someone who’s in need of a boob-light reduction in their home, here is my collection of flush mount and semi-flush mount lighting: for which many of these lights fall under $80.

(All directly linked below)

$50 & Under

$100 & Under

$150 & Under

Over $150

So tell your neighbors. Tell your friends. Share with your family members. And maybe if we work together as a community, we can end this travesty and let boob-lights rest where they belong: in our early 90’s childhood bedrooms.

And as always, thanks for stopping by, reading, and supporting me! Feel free to comment below or share with a friend!

<3 Barbra

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